Völlig von der Wolle: Schwein gehabt! 3D 2019
- Land:Russia
- Direktor: Vladimir Nikolaev
- Schauspieler: Graham Halstead, Major Attaway, Jason Griffith, Oliver Wyman, Billy Bob Thompson, Vanessa Gardner, Tyler Bunch, Tom Wayland, Melissa Schoenberg
- Genres: Animation 3D
- Audio: English, German
- Untertitel: German
In the cartoon Sheep and Wolves 2 The Pigs Move 3D once again, we have old friends-Gray Wolf, Bianca the wolf, Cliff the seagull, Zico the lamb, Lyra the sheep. The life of the town, where friendly wolves and sheep live peacefully, flows smoothly and calmly. But the pastoral idyll is disturbed by unexpected guests. Josie the sheep and Simone the Polar fox appear in the city. At first, no one assumes that the guests of the town brought with them a deadly danger – they are greeted quite friendly. But soon it turns out that the newcomers are followed by Black Wolves. In three days they would reach the town. It is possible to cope with this disaster only together – and the residents of the city together with the newcomers begin to strengthen the defense. The residents of the city, led by Gray, decide to defend their city no matter what. They know that there is strength in unity.
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