Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 3D 2016
IMDB: 5.6

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 3D 2016

  • Land:USA Movies
  • Direktor: Paul W.S. Anderson
  • Schauspieler: Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen, Ali Larter, Shawn Roberts, Eoin Macken, Fraser James, Ruby Rose, William Levy, Rola, Ever Anderson, Mark Simpson
  • Genres: Filme 3D
  • Audio: English, German

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 3D this is the sixth franchise film based on the cult Japanese video game, and the fourth film in the series, produced by Paul Anderson, the creator of the cult film Mortal Kombat. It is worth noting that Mila Jovovich was shot almost immediately after the birth of her second child, but this did not affect her acting ability and physical form.Watch Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 3d sbs 2016 The action Resident Evil: The Final Chapter takes place immediately after the events of the fifth film Resident Evil.Humanity is living its last days, of the survivors almost no one left. After Alice was betrayed by Wesker in Washington, she lost her supernatural forces and became vulnerable, but she continued to fight. Alice must return to where it all began — to the Raccoon City laboratory, where the antidote should be stored. Meanwhile, the Umbrella Corporation gathers its forces for the final blow against the survivors of the apocalypse. In a race against time, Alice will join forces with his old friends and even enemies to give the final battle to the undead hordes and new mutant monsters.


Wenn Sie auf den Download-Link klicken, sehen Sie einen Ordner mit verschiedenen 3D-Formaten dieses Films, leider sind nicht alle Formate in deutscher Sprache, deshalb geben wir die Sprachen im Titel des Films an. Wenn DE im Namen steht, bedeutet das, dass die Datei eine deutsche Übersetzung hat, wenn nicht, ist es möglich, dass sie nicht deutsch ist. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wir tun unser Bestes, um so viel Ton wie möglich zu allen Filmen hinzuzufügen! Wenn du Audio für einen Film hast, den wir nicht haben, kannst du uns einen Link auf unserer Chat-Seite schicken.
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Trailer Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 3D 2016